$p$-Harmonic Maps to $S^1$ and Stationary Varifolds of Codimension 2

Abstract in English

We study the asymptotics as $puparrow 2$ of stationary $p$-harmonic maps $u_pin W^{1,p}(M,S^1)$ from a compact manifold $M^n$ to $S^1$, satisfying the natural energy growth condition $$int_M|du_p|^p=O(frac{1}{2-p}).$$ Along a subsequence $p_jto 2$, we show that the singular sets $Sing(u_{p_j})$ converge to the support of a stationary, rectifiable $(n-2)$-varifold $V$ of density $Theta_{n-2}(|V|,cdot)geq 2pi$, given by the concentrated part of the measure $$mu=lim_{jtoinfty}(2-p_j)|du_{p_j}|^{p_j}dv_g.$$ When $n=2$, we show moreover that the density of $|V|$ takes values in $2pimathbb{N}$. Finally, on every compact manifold of dimension $ngeq 2$ we produce examples of nontrivial families $(1,2) i pmapsto u_pin W^{1,p}(M,S^1)$ of such maps via natural min-max constructions.
