BoGEMMS: the Bologna Geant4 multi-mission simulator

Abstract in English

BoGEMMS, (Bologna Geant4 Multi-Mission Simulator) is a software project for fast simulation of payload on board of scientific satellites for prompt background evaluation that has been developed at the INAF/IASF Bologna. By exploiting the Geant4 set of libraries, BoGEMMS allows to interactively set the geometrical and physical parameters (e.g. physics list, materials and thicknesses), recording the interactions (e.g. energy deposit, position, interacting particle) in NASA FITS and CERN root format output files and filtering the output as a real observation in space, to finally produce the background detected count rate and spectra. Four different types of output can be produced by the BoGEMMS capturing different aspects of the interactions. The simulator can also run in parallel jobs and store the results in a centralized server via xrootd protocol. The BoGEMMS is a multi-mission tool, generally designed to be applied to any high-energy mission for which the shielding and instruments performances analysis is required.
