Studying the Pc(4450) resonance in J/psi photoproduction off protons

Abstract in English

The LHCb has reported the observation of a resonancelike structure, the Pc(4450), in the J/psi p invariant masses. In our work, we discuss the feasibility of detecting this structure in J/psi photoproduction, e.g. in the measurements that have been approved for the experiments in Hall A/C and in Hall B with CLAS12 at JLab. Also the GlueX Collaboration has already reported preliminary results. We take into account the experimental resolution effects, and perform a global fit to world J/psi photoproduction data in order to study the possibility of observing the Pc(4450) signal in future JLab data. We present a first estimate of the upper limit for the branching ratio of the Pc(4450) into the J/psi p channel, and we study the angular distributions of the differential cross sections. This will shed light on the nature and couplings of the Pc(4450) structure in the future photoproduction experiments.
