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A Cyber Science Based Ontology for Artificial General Intelligence Containment

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 Added by Jason Pittman
 Publication date 2018
and research's language is English

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The development of artificial general intelligence is considered by many to be inevitable. What such intelligence does after becoming aware is not so certain. To that end, research suggests that the likelihood of artificial general intelligence becoming hostile to humans is significant enough to warrant inquiry into methods to limit such potential. Thus, containment of artificial general intelligence is a timely and meaningful research topic. While there is limited research exploring possible containment strategies, such work is bounded by the underlying field the strategies draw upon. Accordingly, we set out to construct an ontology to describe necessary elements in any future containment technology. Using existing academic literature, we developed a single domain ontology containing five levels, 32 codes, and 32 associated descriptors. Further, we constructed ontology diagrams to demonstrate intended relationships. We then identified humans, AGI, and the cyber world as novel agent objects necessary for future containment activities. Collectively, the work addresses three critical gaps: (a) identifying and arranging fundamental constructs; (b) situating AGI containment within cyber science; and (c) developing scientific rigor within the field.

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There is a significant lack of unified approaches to building generally intelligent machines. The majority of current artificial intelligence research operates within a very narrow field of focus, frequently without considering the importance of the big picture. In this document, we seek to describe and unify principles that guide the basis of our development of general artificial intelligence. These principles revolve around the idea that intelligence is a tool for searching for general solutions to problems. We define intelligence as the ability to acquire skills that narrow this search, diversify it and help steer it to more promising areas. We also provide suggestions for studying, measuring, and testing the various skills and abilities that a human-level intelligent machine needs to acquire. The document aims to be both implementation agnostic, and to provide an analytic, systematic, and scalable way to generate hypotheses that we believe are needed to meet the necessary conditions in the search for general artificial intelligence. We believe that such a framework is an important stepping stone for bringing together definitions, highlighting open problems, connecting researchers willing to collaborate, and for unifying the arguably most significant search of this century.
Climate change has become one of the biggest global problems increasingly compromising the Earths habitability. Recent developments such as the extraordinary heat waves in California & Canada, and the devastating floods in Germany point to the role of climate change in the ever-increasing frequency of extreme weather. Numerical modelling of the weather and climate have seen tremendous improvements in the last five decades, yet stringent limitations remain to be overcome. Spatially and temporally localized forecasting is the need of the hour for effective adaptation measures towards minimizing the loss of life and property. Artificial Intelligence-based methods are demonstrating promising results in improving predictions, but are still limited by the availability of requisite hardware and software required to process the vast deluge of data at a scale of the planet Earth. Quantum computing is an emerging paradigm that has found potential applicability in several fields. In this opinion piece, we argue that new developments in Artificial Intelligence algorithms designed for quantum computers - also known as Quantum Artificial Intelligence (QAI) - may provide the key breakthroughs necessary to furthering the science of climate change. The resultant improvements in weather and climate forecasts are expected to cascade to numerous societal benefits.
This article conducts a literature review of current and future challenges in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in cyber physical systems. The literature review is focused on identifying a conceptual framework for increasing resilience with AI through automation supporting both, a technical and human level. The methodology applied resembled a literature review and taxonomic analysis of complex internet of things (IoT) interconnected and coupled cyber physical systems. There is an increased attention on propositions on models, infrastructures and frameworks of IoT in both academic and technical papers. These reports and publications frequently represent a juxtaposition of other related systems and technologies (e.g. Industrial Internet of Things, Cyber Physical Systems, Industry 4.0 etc.). We review academic and industry papers published between 2010 and 2020. The results determine a new hierarchical cascading conceptual framework for analysing the evolution of AI decision-making in cyber physical systems. We argue that such evolution is inevitable and autonomous because of the increased integration of connected devices (IoT) in cyber physical systems. To support this argument, taxonomic methodology is adapted and applied for transparency and justifications of concepts selection decisions through building summary maps that are applied for designing the hierarchical cascading conceptual framework.
This article reviews the Once learning mechanism that was proposed 23 years ago and the subsequent successes of One-shot learning in image classification and You Only Look Once - YOLO in objective detection. Analyzing the current development of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the proposal is that AI should be clearly divided into the following categories: Artificial Human Intelligence (AHI), Artificial Machine Intelligence (AMI), and Artificial Biological Intelligence (ABI), which will also be the main directions of theory and application development for AI. As a watershed for the branches of AI, some classification standards and methods are discussed: 1) Human-oriented, machine-oriented, and biological-oriented AI R&D; 2) Information input processed by Dimensionality-up or Dimensionality-reduction; 3) The use of one/few or large samples for knowledge learning.
Along with the development of modern computing technology and social sciences, both theoretical research and practical applications of social computing have been continuously extended. In particular with the boom of artificial intelligence (AI), social computing is significantly influenced by AI. However, the conventional technologies of AI have drawbacks in dealing with more complicated and dynamic problems. Such deficiency can be rectified by hybrid human-artificial intelligence (H-AI) which integrates both human intelligence and AI into one unity, forming a new enhanced intelligence. H-AI in dealing with social problems shows the advantages that AI can not surpass. This paper firstly introduces the concept of H-AI. AI is the intelligence in the transition stage of H-AI, so the latest research progresses of AI in social computing are reviewed. Secondly, it summarizes typical challenges faced by AI in social computing, and makes it possible to introduce H-AI to solve these challenges. Finally, the paper proposes a holistic framework of social computing combining with H-AI, which consists of four layers: object layer, base layer, analysis layer, and application layer. It represents H-AI has significant advantages over AI in solving social problems.

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