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We investigate the potential of the International Linear Collider (ILC) to probe the mechanisms of neutrino mass generation and leptogenesis within the minimal seesaw model. Our results can also be used as an estimate for the potential of a Compact Linear Collider (CLIC). We find that heavy sterile neutrinos that simultaneously explain both, the observed light neutrino oscillations and the baryon asymmetry of the universe, can be found in displaced vertex searches at ILC. We further study the precision at which the flavour-dependent active-sterile mixing angles can be measured. The measurement of the ratios of these mixing angles, and potentially also of the heavy neutrino mass splitting, can test whether minimal type I seesaw models are the origin of the light neutrino masses, and it can be a first step towards probing leptogenesis as the mechanism of baryogenesis. Our results show that the ILC can be used as a discovery machine for New Physics in feebly coupled sectors that can address fundamental questions in particle physics and cosmology.
We study the capability of the international linear collider (ILC) to probe extra dimensions via the seesaw mechanism. In the scenario we study, heavy Kaluza-Klein neutrinos generate tiny neutrino masses and, at the same time, have sizable couplings to the standard-model particles. Consequently, a Kaluza-Klein tower of heavy neutrinos (N) can be produced and studied at the ILC through the process: e+e- -> vN followed by N -> Wl decay. We show that the single lepton plus two-jets final states with large missing energy from this signal process will provide a good opportunity to measure the masses and cross sections of Kaluza-Klein neutrinos up to the third level. Furthermore, the neutrino oscillation parameters can be extracted from the flavor dependence of the lowest-mode signals, which give us information about the origin of low-energy neutrino masses.
We present the possibility that the seesaw mechanism with thermal leptogenesis can be tested using the stochastic gravitational background. Achieving neutrino masses consistent with atmospheric and solar neutrino data, while avoiding non-perturbative couplings, requires right-neutrinos lighter than the typical scale of grand unification. This scale separation suggests a symmetry protecting the right handed neutrinos from getting a mass. Thermal leptogenesis would then require that such a symmetry be broken below the reheating temperature. We enumerate all such possible symmetries consistent with these minimal assumptions and their corresponding defects, finding that in many cases, gravitational waves from the network of cosmic strings should be detectable. Estimating the predicted gravitational wave background we find that future space-borne missions could probe the entire range relevant for thermal leptogenesis.
We investigate cosmological consequences of an inflationary model which incorporates a generic seesaw extension (types I and II) of the Standard Model of Particle Physics. A non-minimal coupling between the inflaton field and the Ricci scalar is considered as well as radiative corrections at one loop order. This connection between the inflationary dynamics with neutrino physics results in a predictive model whose observational viability is investigated in light of the current cosmic microwave background data, baryon acoustic oscillation observations and type Ia supernovae measurements. Our results show that the non-minimal coupled seesaw potential provides a good description of the observational data when radiative corrections are positive. Such result favours the type II seesaw mechanism over type I and may be an indication for physics beyond the Standard Model.
The $U(1)_{B-L}$ gauge symmetry is a promising extension of the standard model of particle physics, which is supposed to be broken at some high energy scale. Associated with the $U(1)_{B-L}$ gauge symmetry breaking, right-handed neutrinos acquire their Majorana masses and then tiny light neutrino masses are generated through the seesaw mechanism. In this paper, we demonstrate that the first-order phase transition of the $U(1)_{B-L}$ gauge symmetry breaking can generate a large amplitude of stochastic gravitational wave (GW) radiation for some parameter space of the model, which is detectable in future experiments. Therefore, the detection of GWs is an interesting strategy to probe the seesaw scale which can be much higher than the energy scale of collider experiments.
With the discovery of a Higgs boson at LHC, all particles of the Standard Model seem to have been observed experimentally, yet many questions are left unanswered. The discovery has intensified the planning for future high-energy colliders, which aim to probe the Standard Model and the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking with higher precision and to extend and complement the search for new particles currently under way at the LHC. The most mature option for such a future facility is the International Linear Collider ILC, an electron-positron collider with a centre-of-mass energy of 500 GeV, and the potential for upgrades into the TeV region. The ILC will fully explore the Higgs sector, including model-independent coupling and width measurements, direct measurements of the coupling to the top quark and the Higgs self-coupling, enable precision measurements of top quark properties and couplings as well as other electroweak precision measurements and provide extensive discovery potential for new physics complementary to the capabilities of hadron colliders. This paper will give an overview of the physics case of the ILC, put in context of the running scenario covering different centre-of-mass energies, and discuss the current status and perspectives of this global facility.