G331.512-0.103: An Interstellar Laboratory for Molecular Synthesis I. The Ortho-to-para Ratios for CH$_3$OH and CH$_3$CN

Abstract in English

Spectral line surveys reveal rich molecular reservoirs in G331.512-0.103, a compact radio source in the center of an energetic molecular outflow. In this first work, we analyse the physical conditions of the source by means of CH$_3$OH and CH$_3$CN. The observations were performed with the APEX telescope. Six different system configurations were defined to cover most of the band within (292-356) GHz; as a consequence we detected a forest of lines towards the central core. A total of 70 lines of $A/E$-CH$_3$OH and $A/E$-CH$_3$CN were analysed, including torsionally excited transitions of CH$_3$OH ($ u_t$=1). In a search for all the isotopologues, we identified transitions of $^{13}$CH$_3$OH. The physical conditions were derived considering collisional and radiative processes. We found common temperatures for each $A$ and $E$ symmetry of CH$_3$OH and CH$_3$CN; the derived column densities indicate an $A/E$ equilibrated ratio for both tracers. The results reveal that CH$_3$CN and CH$_3$OH trace a hot and cold component with $T_k sim$ 141 K and $T_k sim$ 74 K, respectively. In agreement with previous ALMA observations, the models show that the emission region is compact ($lesssim$ 5.5 arcsec) with gas density $n$(H$_2$)=(0.7-1) $times$ 10$^7$ cm$^{-3}$. The CH$_3$OH/CH$_3$CN abundance ratio and the evidences for pre-biotic and complex organic molecules suggest a rich and active chemistry towards G331.512-0.103.
