Schurity and separability of quasiregular coherent configurations

Abstract in English

A permutation group is said to be quasiregular if every its transitive constituent is regular, and a quasiregular coherent configuration can be thought as a combinatorial analog of such a group: the transitive constituents are replaced by the homogeneous components. In this paper, we are interested in the question when the configuration is schurian, i.e., formed by the orbitals of a permutation group, or/and separable, i.e., uniquely determined by the intersection numbers. In these terms, an old result of Hanna Neumann is, in a sense, dual to the statement that the quasiregular coherent configurations with cyclic homogeneous components are schurian. In the present paper, we (a) establish the duality in a precise form and (b) generalize the latter result by proving that a quasiregular coherent configuration is schurian and separable if the groups associated with homogeneous components have distributive lattices of normal subgroups.
