Non-grey dimming events of KIC 8462852 from GTC spectrophotometry

Abstract in English

We report ground-based spectrophotometry of KIC 8462852, during its first dimming events since the end of the Kepler mission. The dimmings show a clear colour-signature, and are deeper in visual blue wavelengths than in red ones. The flux loss wavelength dependency can be described with an AA ngstrom absorption coefficient of $2.19pm0.45$, which is compatible with absorption by optically thin dust with particle sizes on the order of 0.0015 to 0.15 $mu$m. These particles would be smaller than is required to be resistant against blow-out by radiation pressure when close to the star. During occultation events, these particles must be replenished on time-scales of days. If dust is indeed the source of KIC 8462852s dimming events, deeper dimming events should show more neutral colours, as is expected from optically thick absorbers.
