A quantum equation of gravity is proposed using the geometrical quantization of general relativity. The quantum equation for a black hole is solved using the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) method. Quantum effects of a Schwarzschild black hole are demonstrated by solving the quantum equation while requiring a stationary phase and also by using the Einstein-Brillouin-Keller (EBK) quantization condition, and two approaches shows a consistent result. The WKB method is also applied to the McVittie-Thakurta metric, which describes a system consisting of Schwarzschild black holes and a scalar field. A possible interplay between quantum black holes and a scalar field is investigated in detail. The number density of black holes in the universe is obtained by applying statistical mechanics to a system consisting of black holes and a scalar field. A possible solution to the cosmological constant problem is proposed from a statistical perspective.