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Synergy and complementarity between neutrino physics and low-energy intensity frontiers

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 Added by Ana M. Teixeira
 Publication date 2017
and research's language is English

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Massive neutrinos and leptonic mixings have provided the first evidence of flavour violation in the lepton sector, opening a unique gateway to many new phenomena. Among the latter, one finds processes violating lepton number, charged lepton flavours, or even the universality of lepton flavours. These very rare transitions can be studied in high-intensity facilities, and if observed, constitute a clear sign of New Physics. After a brief review of the experimental status of dedicated searches, we comment on the prospects of several well-motivated models of neutrino mass generation to several of the above mentioned observables, also discussing how the interplay of high-intensity observables and neutrino data can shed light on the underlying New Physics model.

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We explore the complementarity between LHC searches and neutrino experiments in probing neutrino non-standard interactions. Our study spans the theoretical frameworks of effective field theory, simplified model and an illustrative UV completion, highlighting the synergies and distinctive features in all cases. We show that besides constraining the allowed NSI parameter space, the LHC data can break important degeneracies present in oscillation experiments such as DUNE, while the latter play an important role in probing light and weakly coupled physics undetectable at the LHC.
In this work we investigate the sensitivity to the neutrino mass hierarchy, the octant of the mixing angle $theta_{23}$ and the CP phase $delta_{CP}$ in the future long-baseline experiments T2HK and DUNE as well as in the atmospheric neutrino observation at Hyperkamiokande (HK). We show for the first time that the sensitivity is enhanced greatly if we combine these three experiments. Our results show that the hierarchy sensitivity of both T2HK and HK are limited due to the presence of parameter degeneracy. But this degeneracy is removed when T2HK and HK are added together. With T2HK+HK (DUNE), the neutrino mass hierarchy can be determined at least at $ 5 sigma$ (8 $sigma$) C.L. for any value of true $delta_{CP}$. With T2HK+HK+DUNE the significance of the mass hierarchy increases to almost 15 $sigma$ for the unfavorable value of $delta_{CP}$. For these combined setup, octant can be resolved except $43.5^circ < theta_{23} < 48^circ$ at $5sigma$ C.L for both the hierarchies irrespective of the value of $delta_{CP}$. The significance of CP violation is around 10 $sigma$ C.L. for $delta_{CP} sim pm 90^circ$. Apart from that these combined facility has the capability to discover CP violation for at least $68%$ fraction of the true $delta_{CP}$ values at $5 sigma$ for any value of true $theta_{23}$. We also find that, with combination of all these three, the precision of $Delta m^2_{{rm eff}}$, $sin^2theta_{23}$ and $delta_{CP}$ becomes 0.3%, 2% and 20% respectively. We also clarify how the octant degeneracy occurs in the HK atmospheric neutrino experiment.
Building upon the PDFSense framework developed in Ref. [1], we perform a comprehensive analysis of the sensitivity of present and future high-energy data to a number of quantities commonly evaluated in lattice gauge theory, with a particular focus on the integrated Mellin moments of nucleon parton distribution functions (PDFs), such as $langle x rangle_{u^+ - d^+}$ and $langle x rangle_{g}$, as well as $x$-dependent quark quasi-distributions -- in particular, that of the isovector combination. Our results demonstrate the potential for lattice calculations and phenomenological quark distributions informed by high-energy experimental data to cooperatively improve the picture of the nucleons collinear structure. This will increasingly be the case as computational resources for lattice calculations further expand, and QCD global analyses continue to grow in sophistication. Our sensitivity analysis suggests that a future lepton-hadron collider would be especially instrumental in providing phenomenological constraints to lattice observables.
In this talk we present our results on the sensitivity to the neutrino mass hierarchy, the octant of the mixing angle and the CP phase in the future long baseline experiments T2HK and DUNE as well as in the atmospheric neutrino observation at Hyperkamiokande (HK).
We conduct a detailed analysis of the phenomenology of two predictive see-saw scenarios leading to Quark-Lepton Complementarity. In both cases we discuss the neutrino mixing observables and their correlations, neutrinoless double beta decay and lepton flavor violating decays such as mu -> e gamma. We also comment on leptogenesis. The first scenario is disfavored on the level of one to two standard deviations, in particular due to its prediction for U_{e3}. There can be resonant leptogenesis with quasi-degenerate heavy and light neutrinos, which would imply sizable cancellations in neutrinoless double beta decay. The decays mu -> e gamma and tau -> mu gamma are typically observable unless the SUSY masses approach the TeV scale. In the second scenario leptogenesis is impossible. It is however in perfect agreement with all oscillation data. The prediction for mu -> e gamma is in general too large, unless the SUSY masses are in the range of several TeV. In this case tau -> e gamma and tau -> mu gamma are unobservable.
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