The t-t-J model in one dimension using extremely correlated Fermi liquid theory and time dependent density matrix renormalization group

Abstract in English

We study the one dimensional t-t-J model for generic couplings using two complementary theories, the extremely correlated Fermi liquid theory and time-dependent density matrix renormalization group over a broad energy scale. The two methods provide a unique insight into the strong momentum dependence of the self-energy of this prototypical non-Fermi liquid, described at low energies as a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid. We also demonstrate its intimate relationship to spin-charge separation, i.e. the splitting of Landau quasiparticles of higher dimensions into two constituents, driven by strong quantum fluctuations inherent in one dimension. The momentum distribution function, the spectral function, and the excitation dispersion of these two methods also compare well.
