A Zeeman slower for diatomic molecules

Abstract in English

We present a novel slowing scheme for beams of laser-coolable diatomic molecules reminiscent of Zeeman slowing of atomic beams. The scheme results in efficient compression of the 1-dimensional velocity distribution to velocities trappable by magnetic or magneto-optical traps. 3D Monte Carlo simulations for the prototype molecule $^{88}mathrm{Sr}^{19}mathrm{F}$ and experiments in an atomic testbed demonstrate a performance comparable to traditional atomic Zeeman slowing and an enhancement of flux below v=35 m/s by a factor of $approx 20$ compared to white-light slowing. This is the first experimentally shown continuous and dissipative slowing technique in molecule-like level structures, promising to provide the missing link for the preparation of large ultracold molecular ensembles.
