Edge statistics of Dyson Brownian motion

Abstract in English

We consider the edge statistics of Dyson Brownian motion with deterministic initial data. Our main result states that if the initial data has a spectral edge with rough square root behavior down to a scale $eta_* geq N^{-2/3}$ and no outliers, then after times $t gg sqrt{ eta_*}$, the statistics at the spectral edge agree with the GOE/GUE. In particular we obtain the optimal time to equilibrium at the edge $t = N^{varepsilon} / N^{1/3}$ for sufficiently regular initial data. Our methods rely on eigenvalue rigidity results similar to those appearing in [Lee-Schnelli], the coupling idea of [Bourgade-ErdH{o}s-Yau-Yin] and the energy estimate of [Bourgade-ErdH{o}s-Yau].
