Constraints on neutrino masses from Baryon Acoustic Oscillation measurements

Abstract in English

From 21 independent Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) measurements we obtain the following sum of masses of active Dirac or Majorana neutrinos: $sum m_ u = 0.711 - 0.335 cdot delta h + 0.050 cdot delta b pm 0.063 textrm{ eV,}$ where $delta h equiv (h - 0.678) / 0.009$ and $delta b equiv (Omega_b h^2 - 0.02226) / 0.00023$. This result may be combined with independent measurements that constrain the parameters $sum m_ u$, $h$, and $Omega_b h^2$. For $delta h = pm 1$ and $delta b = pm 1$, we obtain $m_ u < 0.43$ eV at 95% confidence.
