Restoring canonical partition functions from imaginary chemical potential

Abstract in English

Using GPGPU techniques and multi-precision calculation we developed the code to study QCD phase transition line in the canonical approach. The canonical approach is a powerful tool to investigate sign problem in Lattice QCD. The central part of the canonical approach is the fugacity expansion of the grand canonical partition functions. Canonical partition functions $Z_n(T)$ are coefficients of this expansion. Using various methods we study properties of $Z_n(T)$. At the last step we perform cubic spline for temperature dependence of $Z_n(T)$ at fixed $n$ and compute baryon number susceptibility $chi_B/T^2$ as function of temperature. After that we compute numerically $partialchi/ partial T$ and restore crossover line in QCD phase diagram. We use improved Wilson fermions and Iwasaki gauge action on the $16^3 times 4$ lattice with $m_{pi}/m_{rho} = 0.8$ as a sandbox to check the canonical approach. In this framework we obtain coefficient in parametrization of crossover line $T_c(mu_B^2)=T_cleft(c-kappa, mu_B^2/T_c^2right)$ with $kappa = -0.0453 pm 0.0099$.
