Axial anomaly and nesting in the inhomogeneous chiral phase

Abstract in English

Axial anomaly and nesting is elucidated in the context of the inhomogeneous chiral phase. Using the Gross-Neveu models in 1+1 dimensions, we shall discuss axial anomaly and nesting from two different points of view: one is homogeneous chiral transition and the other is the Ferrel-Fulde-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) state in superconductivity, which are closely related to each other by way of duality. It is shown that axial anomaly leads to a particular kind of the FFLO state within the two dimensional Nambu-Jona Lasinio model, where axial anomaly is manifested in a different mode. Nesting is a driving mechanism for both phenomena, but its realization has different features. We reconsider the effect of nesting in the context of duality.
