Quantum Gates to other Universes

Abstract in English

We present a microscopic model of a bridge connecting two large Anti-de-Sitter Universes. The Universes admit a holographic description as three-dimensional ${cal N}=4$ supersymmetric gauge theories based on large linear quivers, and the bridge is a small rank-$n$ gauge group that acts as a messenger. On the gravity side, the bridge is a piece of a highly-curved AdS$_5times$S$_5$ throat carrying $n$ units of five-form flux. We derive a universal expression for the mixing of the two massless gravitons: $M^2 simeq 3n^2 (kappa_4^2 + kappa_4^{prime,2})/16pi^2$, where $M$ is the mass splitting of the gravitons, $kappa_4^2, kappa_4^{prime,2}$ are the effective gravitational couplings of the AdS$_4$ Universes, and $n$ is the quantized charge of the gate. This agrees with earlier results based on double-trace deformations, with the important difference that the effective coupling is here quantized. We argue that the apparent non-localities of holographic double-trace models are resolved by integrating-in the (scarce) degrees of freedom of the gate.
