Statistically induced topological phase transitions in a one-dimensional superlattice anyon-Hubbard model

Abstract in English

We theoretically investigate topological properties of the one-dimensional superlattice anyon-Hubbard model, which can be mapped to a superlattice bose-Hubbard model with an occupation-dependent phase factor by fractional Jordan-Wigner transformation. The topological anyon-Mott insulator is identified by topological invariant and edge modes using exact diagonalization and density-matrix renormalization-group algorithm. When only the statistical angle is varied and all other parameters are fixed, a statistically induced topological phase transition can be realized, which provides new insights into the topological phase transitions. Whats more, we give an explanation of the statistically induced topological phase transition. The topological anyon-Mott phases can also appear in a variety of superlattice anyon-Hubbard models.
