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We present compositional nearest neighbors (CompNN), a simple approach to visually interpreting distributed representations learned by a convolutional neural network (CNN) for pixel-level tasks (e.g., image synthesis and segmentation). It does so by reconstructing both a CNNs input and output image by copy-pasting corresponding patches from the training set with similar feature embeddings. To do so efficiently, it makes of a patch-match-based algorithm that exploits the fact that the patch representations learned by a CNN for pixel level tasks vary smoothly. Finally, we show that CompNN can be used to establish semantic correspondences between two images and control properties of the output image by modifying the images contained in the training set. We present qualitative and quantitative experiments for semantic segmentation and image-to-image translation that demonstrate that CompNN is a good tool for interpreting the embeddings learned by pixel-level CNNs.
To accelerate deep CNN models, this paper proposes a novel spatially adaptive framework that can dynamically generate pixel-wise sparsity according to the input image. The sparse scheme is pixel-wise refined, regional adaptive under a unified importance map, which makes it friendly to hardware implementation. A sparse controlling method is further presented to enable online adjustment for applications with different precision/latency requirements. The sparse model is applicable to a wide range of vision tasks. Experimental results show that this method efficiently improve the computing efficiency for both image classification using ResNet-18 and super resolution using SRResNet. On image classification task, our method can save 30%-70% MACs with a slightly drop in top-1 and top-5 accuracy. On super resolution task, our method can reduce more than 90% MACs while only causing around 0.1 dB and 0.01 decreasing in PSNR and SSIM. Hardware validation is also included.
This paper presents a weakly supervised sparse learning approach to the problem of noisily tagged image parsing, or segmenting all the objects within a noisily tagged image and identifying their categories (i.e. tags). Different from the traditional image parsing that takes pixel-level labels as strong supervisory information, our noisily tagged image parsing is provided with noisy tags of all the images (i.e. image-level labels), which is a natural setting for social image collections (e.g. Flickr). By oversegmenting all the images into regions, we formulate noisily tagged image parsing as a weakly supervised sparse learning problem over all the regions, where the initial labels of each region are inferred from image-level labels. Furthermore, we develop an efficient algorithm to solve such weakly supervised sparse learning problem. The experimental results on two benchmark datasets show the effectiveness of our approach. More notably, the reported surprising results shed some light on answering the question: can image-level labels replace pixel-level labels (hard to access) as supervisory information for image parsing.
Domain adaptation of visual detectors is a critical challenge, yet existing methods have overlooked pixel appearance transformations, focusing instead on bootstrapping and/or domain confusion losses. We propose a Semantic Pixel-Level Adaptation Transform (SPLAT) approach to detector adaptation that efficiently generates cross-domain image pairs. Our model uses aligned-pair and/or pseudo-label losses to adapt an object detector to the target domain, and can learn transformations with or without densely labeled data in the source (e.g. semantic segmentation annotations). Without dense labels, as is the case when only detection labels are available in the source, transformations are learned using CycleGAN alignment. Otherwise, when dense labels are available we introduce a more efficient cycle-free method, which exploits pixel-level semantic labels to condition the training of the transformation network. The end task is then trained using detection box labels from the source, potentially including labels inferred on unlabeled source data. We show both that pixel-level transforms outperform prior approaches to detector domain adaptation, and that our cycle-free method outperforms prior models for unconstrained cycle-based learning of generic transformations while running 3.8 times faster. Our combined model improves on prior detection baselines by 12.5 mAP adapting from Sim 10K to Cityscapes, recovering over 50% of the missing performance between the unadapted baseline and the labeled-target upper bound.
In this paper, we focus on estimating the 6D pose of objects in point clouds. Although the topic has been widely studied, pose estimation in point clouds remains a challenging problem due to the noise and occlusion. To address the problem, a novel 3DPVNet is presented in this work, which utilizes 3D local patches to vote for the object 6D poses. 3DPVNet is comprised of three modules. In particular, a Patch Unification (textbf{PU}) module is first introduced to normalize the input patch, and also create a standard local coordinate frame on it to generate a reliable vote. We then devise a Weight-guided Neighboring Feature Fusion (textbf{WNFF}) module in the network, which fuses the neighboring features to yield a semi-global feature for the center patch. WNFF module mines the neighboring information of a local patch, such that the representation capability to local geometric characteristics is significantly enhanced, making the method robust to a certain level of noise. Moreover, we present a Patch-level Voting (textbf{PV}) module to regress transformations and generates pose votes. After the aggregation of all votes from patches and a refinement step, the final pose of the object can be obtained. Compared to recent voting-based methods, 3DPVNet is patch-level, and directly carried out on point clouds. Therefore, 3DPVNet achieves less computation than point/pixel-level voting scheme, and has robustness to partial data. Experiments on several datasets demonstrate that 3DPVNet achieves the state-of-the-art performance, and is also robust against noise and occlusions.
Annotating images for semantic segmentation requires intense manual labor and is a time-consuming and expensive task especially for domains with a scarcity of experts, such as Forensic Anthropology. We leverage the evolving nature of images depicting the decay process in human decomposition data to design a simple yet effective pseudo-pixel-level label generation technique to reduce the amount of effort for manual annotation of such images. We first identify sequences of images with a minimum variation that are most suitable to share the same or similar annotation using an unsupervised approach. Given one user-annotated image in each sequence, we propagate the annotation to the remaining images in the sequence by merging it with annotations produced by a state-of-the-art CAM-based pseudo label generation technique. To evaluate the quality of our pseudo-pixel-level labels, we train two semantic segmentation models with VGG and ResNet backbones on images labeled using our pseudo labeling method and those of a state-of-the-art method. The results indicate that using our pseudo-labels instead of those generated using the state-of-the-art method in the training process improves the mean-IoU and the frequency-weighted-IoU of the VGG and ResNet-based semantic segmentation models by 3.36%, 2.58%, 10.39%, and 12.91% respectively.