Spin and momentum of the light fields in inhomogeneous dispersive media with application to surface plasmon-polariton waves

Abstract in English

Following to the recently published approach [Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 073901 (2017); New J. Phys., 123014 (2017)], we refine and accomplish the general scheme for the unified description of the momentum and angular momentum in complex media. The equations for the canonical (orbital) and spin linear momenta, orbital and spin angular momenta in a lossless inhomogeneous dispersive medium are presented in the compact form analogous to the Brillouins relation for the energy. The results are applied to the surface plasmon-polariton (SPP) field, and the microscopic calculations support the phenomenological expectations. The refined general scheme correctly describes the unusual SPP properties (transverse spin, magnetization momentum) and additionally predicts the singular momentum contribution sharply localized at the metal-dielectric interface, which is confirmed by the microscopic analysis. The results can be useful in optical systems employing the structured light, especially for microoptics, plasmophotonics, optical sorting and micromanipulation.
