Leptonic decay constants for D-mesons from 3-flavour CLS ensembles

Abstract in English

We report on the status of an ongoing effort by the RQCD and ALPHA Collaborations, aimed at determining leptonic decay constants of charmed mesons. Our analysis is based on large-volume ensembles generated within the CLS effort, employing N_f=2+1 non-perturbatively O(a) improved Wilson quarks, tree-level Symanzik-improved gauge action and open boundary conditions. The ensembles cover lattice spacings from a ~ 0.09 fm to a ~ 0.05 fm, with pion masses varied from 420 to 200 MeV. To extrapolate to the physical masses, we follow both the 2m_l+m_s=const. and the m_s=const. lines in parameter space.
