A Hint of a Blue Axion Isocurvature Spectrum?

Abstract in English

It is known that if the Peccei-Quinn symmetry breaking field is displaced from its minimum during inflation, the axion isocurvature spectrum is generically strongly blue tilted with a break transition to a flat spectrum. We fit this spectrum (incorporated into the vanilla $Lambda$-CDM cosmological model) to the Planck and BOSS DR11 data and find a mild hint for the presence of axionic blue-tilted isocurvature perturbations. We find the best fit parameter region is consistent with all of the dark matter being composed of QCD axions in the context of inflationary cosmology with an expansion rate of order $10^{8}$ GeV, the axion decay constant of order $10^{13}$ GeV, and the initial misalignment angle of order unity. Intriguingly, isocurvature with a spectral break may at least partially explain the low-$ell$ vs. high-$ell$ anomalies seen in the CMB data.
