Marangoni self-contracted droplets are formed by a mixture of two liquids, one of larger surface tension and larger evaporation rate than the other. Due to evaporation, the droplets contract to a stable contact angle instead of spreading on a wetting substrate. This gives them unique properties, including absence of pinning force and ability to move under vapor gradients, self- and externally imposed. We first model the dynamics of attraction in an unconfined geometry and then study the effects of confinement on the attraction range and dynamics, going from minimal confinement (vertical boundary), to medium confinement (2-D vapor diffusion) and eventually strong confinement (1-D). Self-induced motion is observed when single droplets are placed close to a vapor boundary toward which they are attracted, the boundary acting as an image droplet with respect to itself. When two droplets are confined between two horizontal plates, they interact at a longer distance with modified dynamics. Finally, confining the droplet in a tunnel, the range of attraction is greatly enhanced, as the droplet moves all the way up the tunnel when an external humidity gradient is imposed. Self-induced motion is also observed, as the droplet can move by itself towards the center of the tunnel. Confinement greatly increase the range at which droplets interact as well as their lifetime and thus greatly expands the control and design possibilities for applications offered by self-contracted droplets.