The 2015 superoutburst of QZ Virginis: Detection of growing superhumps between the precursor and main superoutburst

Abstract in English

We report on time-resolved photometry of the 2015 February-March superoutburst of QZ Virginis. The superoutburst consisted of a separated precursor, main superoutburst, and rebrightening. We detected superhumps with a period of 0.061181(42) d between the precursor and main superoutburst. Based on analyses of period changes and amplitudes of superhumps, the observed superhumps were identified as growing superhumps (stage A superhumps). The duration of stage A superhumps was about 5 d, unusually long for SU UMa-type dwarf novae. Using the obtained stage A superhump period, we estimated the mass ratio of QZ Vir to be 0.108(3). This value suggests that QZ Vir is an SU UMa-type dwarf nova evolving toward the period minimum. Based on the present and the previous observations regarding long-lasting stage A superhumps, a time scale of stage A superhumps is likely to be determined by the mass ratio of the system and the temperature of the accretion disk.
