Local unitary classification for sets of generalized Bell states

Abstract in English

In this paper, we study the local unitary classification for pairs (triples) of generalized Bell states, based on the local unitary equivalence of two sets. In detail, we firstly introduce some general unitary operators which give us more local unitary equivalent sets besides Clifford operators. And then we present two necessary conditions for local unitary equivalent sets which can be used to examine the local inequivalence. Following this approach, we completely classify all of pairs in $dotimes d$ quantum system into $prod_{j=1}^{n} (k_{j} + 1) $ LU-inequivalent pairs when the prime factorization of $d=prod_{j=1}^{n}p_j^{k_j}$. Moreover, all of triples in $p^alphaotimes p^alpha$ quantum system for prime $p$ can be partitioned into $frac{(alpha + 3)}{6}p^{alpha} + O(alpha p^{alpha-1})$ LU-inequivalent triples, especially, when $alpha=2$ and $p>2$, there are exactly $lfloor frac{5}{6}p^{2}rfloor + lfloor frac{p-2}{6}+(-1)^{lfloorfrac{p}{3}rfloor}frac{p}{3}rfloor + 3$ LU-inequivalent triples.
