Pointwise multiple averages for sublinear functions

Abstract in English

For any measure preserving system $(X,mathcal{B},mu,T_1,ldots,T_d),$ where we assume no commutativity on the transformations $T_i,$ $1leq ileq d,$ we study the pointwise convergence of multiple ergodic averages with iterates of different growth coming from a large class of sublinear functions. This class properly contains important subclasses of Hardy field functions of order $0$ and of Fejer functions, i.e., tempered functions of order $0.$ We show that the convergence of the single average, via an invariant property, implies the convergence of the multiple one. We also provide examples of sublinear functions which are in general bad for convergence on arbitrary systems, but they are good for uniquely ergodic systems. The case where the fastest function is linear is addressed as well, and we provide, in all the cases, an explicit formula of the limit function.
