Collective spin waves in arrays of Permalloy nanowires with single-side periodically modulated width

Abstract in English

We have experimentally and numerically investigated the dispersion of collective spin waves prop-agating through arrays of longitudinally magnetized nanowires with periodically modulated width. Two nanowire arrays with single-side modulation and different periodicity of modulation were studied and compared to the nanowires with homogeneous width. The spin-wave dispersion, meas-ured up to the third Brillouin zone of the reciprocal space, revealed the presence of two dispersive modes for the width-modulated NWs, whose amplitude of magnonic band depends on the modula-tion periodicity, and a set of nondispersive modes at higher frequency. These findings are different from those observed in homogeneous width NWs where only the lowest mode exhibits sizeable dis-persion. The measured spin-wave dispersion has been satisfactorily reproduced by means of dynam-ical matrix method. Results presented in this work are important in view of the possible realization of frequency tunable magnonic device.
