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A two particle hidden sector and the oscillations with photons

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 Added by Pedro Alvarez
 Publication date 2017
and research's language is English

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We present a detailed study of the oscillations and optical properties for vacuum, in a model for the dark sector that contains axion-like particles and hidden photons. In this model, both can couple to photons. We provide bounds for the couplings versus the mass, using current results from ALPS-I and PVLAS. We also discuss the challenges for the detection of models with more than one hidden particle in light shining trough wall-like experiments.

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473 - A. Wagner , G. Rybka , M. Hotz 2010
Hidden U(1) gauge symmetries are common to many extensions of the Standard Model proposed to explain dark matter. The hidden gauge vector bosons of such extensions may mix kinetically with Standard Model photons, providing a means for electromagnetic power to pass through conducting barriers. The ADMX detector was used to search for hidden vector bosons originating in an emitter cavity driven with microwave power. We exclude hidden vector bosons with kinetic couplings {chi} > 3.48x10-8 for masses less than 3 {mu}eV. This limit represents an improvement of more than two orders of magnitude in sensitivity relative to previous cavity experiments.
The hidden sector photon is a weakly interacting hypothetical particle with sub-eV mass that kinetically mixes with the photon. We describe a microwave frequency light shining through a wall experiment where a cryogenic resonant microwave cavity is used to try and detect photons that have passed through an impenetrable barrier, a process only possible via mixing with hidden sector photons. For a hidden sector photon mass of 53 $mu$eV we limit the hidden photon kinetic mixing parameter $chi < 1.7times10^{-7}$, which is an order of magnitude lower than previous bounds derived from cavity experiments in the same mass range. In addition, we use the cryogenic detector cavity to place new limits on the kinetic mixing parameter for hidden sector photons as a form of cold dark matter.
105 - Ariel Arza , Jorge Gamboa 2017
We study a model where photons interact with hidden photons and millicharged particles through a kinetic mixing term. Particularly, we focus in vacuum birefringence effects and we find a bound for the millicharged parameter assuming that hidden photons are a piece of the local dark matter density
57 - P. Mermod 2017
High-intensity proton beams impinging on a fixed target or beam dump allow to probe new physics via the production of new weakly-coupled particles in hadron decays. The CERN SPS provides opportunities to do so with the running NA62 experiment and the planned SHiP experiment. Reconstruction of kaon decay kinematics (beam mode) allows NA62 to probe for the existence of right-handed neutrinos and dark photons with masses below 0.45 GeV. Direct reconstruction of displaced vertices from the decays of new neutral particles (dump mode) will allow NA62 and SHiP to probe right-handed neutrinos with masses up to 5 GeV and mixings down to several orders of magnitude smaller than current constraints, in regions favoured in models which explain at once neutrino masses, matter-antimatter asymmetry and dark matter.
We discuss the visibility of gamma lines from dark matter annihilation. We point out a class of theories for dark matter which predict the existence of gamma lines with striking features. In these theories, the final state radiation processes are highly suppressed and one could distinguish easily the gamma lines from the continuum spectrum. We discuss the main experimental bounds and show that one could test the predictions for gamma lines in the near future in the context of simple gauge theories for dark matter.
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