Recent advances in iron-based superconductors toward applications

Abstract in English

Iron with a large magnetic moment was widely believed to be harmful to the emergence of superconductivity because of the competition between the static ordering of electron spins and the dynamic formation of electron pairs (Cooper pairs). Thus, the discovery of a high critical temperature (Tc) iron-based superconductor (IBSC) in 2008 was accepted with surprise in the condensed matter community and rekindled extensive study globally. IBSCs have since grown to become a new class of high-Tc superconductors next to the high-Tc cuprates discovered in 1986. The rapid research progress in the science and technology of IBSCs over the past decade has resulted in the accumulation of a vast amount of knowledge on IBSC materials, mechanisms, properties, and applications with the publication of more than several tens of thousands of papers. This article reviews recent progress in the technical applications (bulk magnets, thin films, and wires) of IBSCs in addition to their fundamental material characteristics. Highlights of their applications include high-field bulk magnets workable at 15-25 K, thin films with high critical current density (Jc) > 1 MA/cm2 at ~10 T and 4 K, and an average Jc of 1.3*104 A/cm2 at 10 T and 4 K achieved for a 100-m-class-length wire. These achievements are based on the intrinsically advantageous properties of IBSCs such as the higher crystallographic symmetry of the superconducting phase, higher critical magnetic field, and larger critical grain boundary angle to maintain high Jc. These properties also make IBSCs promising for applications using high magnetic fields.
