Supersymmetric solutions and Borel singularities for N=2 supersymmetric Chern-Simons theories

Abstract in English

In supersymmetric (SUSY) field theory, there exist configurations which formally satisfy SUSY conditions but are not on original path integral contour. We refer to such configurations as complexified supersymmetric solutions (CSS). In this paper we discuss that CSS provide important information on large order behavior of weak coupling perturbative series in SUSY field theories. We conjecture that CSS with a bosonic (fermionic) free parameter give poles (zeroes) of Borel transformation of perturbative series whose locations are uniquely determined by actions of the solutions. We demonstrate this for various SUSY observables in 3d $mathcal{N}=2$ SUSY Chern-Simons matter theories on sphere. First we construct infinite number of CSS in general 3d $mathcal{N}=2$ SUSY theory with Lagrangian where adjoint scalar in vector multiplet takes a complex value and matter fields are nontrivial. Then we compare their actions with Borel transformations of perturbative expansions by inverse Chern-Simons levels for the observables and see agreement with our conjecture. It turns out that the CSS explain all the Borel singularities for this case.
