Solution Monolayer Epitaxy for Tunable Atomically Sharp Oxide Interfaces

Abstract in English

Epitaxial growth of atomically-sharp interfaces serves as one of the main building blocks of nanofabrication. Such interfaces are crucial for the operation of various devices including transistors, photo-voltaic cells, and memory components. In order to avoid charge traps that may hamper the operation of such devices, it is critical for the layers to be atomically-sharp. Fabrication of atomically sharp interfaces normally requires ultra-high vacuum techniques and high substrate temperatures. We present here a new self-limiting wet chemical process for deposition of epitaxial layers from alkoxide precursors. This method is fast, cheap, and yields perfect interfaces as we validate by various analysis techniques. It allows the design of heterostructures with half-unit cell resolution. We demonstrate our method by designing hole-type oxide interfaces SrTiO3/BaO/LaAlO3. We show that transport through this interface exhibits properties of mixed electron-hole contributions with hole mobility exceeding that of electrons. Our method and results are an important step forward towards a controllable design of a p-type oxide interface.
