On-Chip Cooling by Heating with Superconducting Tunnel Junctions

Abstract in English

Heat management and refrigeration are key concepts for nanoscale devices operating at cryogenic temperatures. The design of an on-chip mesoscopic refrigerator that works thanks to the input heat is presented, thus realizing a solid state implementation of the concept of cooling by heating. The system consists of a circuit featuring a thermoelectric element based on a ferromagnetic insulator-superconductor tunnel junction (N-FI-S) and a series of two normal metal-superconductor tunnel junctions (SINIS). The N-FI-S element converts the incoming heat in a thermovoltage, which is applied to the SINIS, thereby yielding cooling. The coolers performance is investigated as a function of the input heat current for different bath temperatures. We show that this system can efficiently employ the performance of SINIS refrigeration, with a substantial cooling of the normal metal island. Its scalability and simplicity in the design makes it a promising building block for low-temperature on-chip energy management applications.
