Differential Higgs production at N3LO beyond threshold

Abstract in English

We present several key steps towards the computation of differential Higgs boson cross sections at N$^3$LO in perturbative QCD. Specifically, we work in the framework of Higgs-differential cross sections that allows to compute precise predictions for realistic LHC observables. We demonstrate how to perform an expansion of the analytic N$^3$LO coefficient functions around the production threshold of the Higgs boson. Our framework allows us to compute to arbitrarily high order in the threshold expansion and we explicitly obtain the first two expansion coefficients in analytic form. Furthermore, we assess the phenomenological viability of threshold expansions for differential distributions. In addition, we report on an interesting obstacle for the computation of N$^3$LO corrections with LHAPDF parton distribution functions and our solution. We provide files containing the analytic expressions for the partonic cross sections together with the arXiv submission.
