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Cloudless atmospheres for young low-gravity substellar objects

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 Added by Pascal Tremblin
 Publication date 2017
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Atmospheric modeling of low-gravity (VL-G) young brown dwarfs remains a challenge. The presence of very thick clouds has been suggested because of their extremely red near-infrared (NIR) spectra, but no cloud models provide a good fit to the data with a radius compatible with evolutionary models for these objects. We show that cloudless atmospheres assuming a temperature gradient reduction caused by fingering convection provides a very good model to match the observed VL-G NIR spectra. The sequence of extremely red colors in the NIR for atmospheres with effective temperature from ~2000 K down to ~1200 K is very well reproduced with predicted radii typical of young low-gravity objects. Future observations with NIRSPEC and MIRI on the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will provide more constrains in the mid-infrared, helping to confirm/refute whether or not the NIR reddening is caused by fingering convection. We suggest that the presence/absence of clouds will be directly determined by the silicate absorption features that can be observed with MIRI. JWST will therefore be able to better characterize the atmosphere of these hot young brown dwarfs and their low-gravity exoplanet analogues.

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440 - Aleks Scholz 2013
The abundance of brown dwarfs (BDs) in young clusters is a diagnostic of star formation theory. Here we revisit the issue of determining the substellar initial mass function (IMF), based on a comparison between NGC1333 and IC348, two clusters in the Perseus star-forming region. We derive their mass distributions for a range of model isochrones, varying distances, extinction laws and ages, with comprehensive assessments of the uncertainties. We find that the choice of isochrone and other parameters have significant effects on the results, thus we caution against comparing IMFs obtained using different approaches. For NGC1333, we find that the star/BD ratio R is between 1.9 and 2.4, for all plausible scenarios, consistent with our previous work. For IC348, R is between 2.9 and 4.0, suggesting that previous studies have overestimated this value. Thus, the star forming process generates about 2.5-5 substellar objects per 10 stars. The derived star/BD ratios correspond to a slope of the power-law mass function of alpha=0.7-1.0 for the 0.03-1.0Msol mass range. The median mass in these clusters - the typical stellar mass - is between 0.13-0.30Msol. Assuming that NGC1333 is at a shorter distance than IC348, we find a significant difference in the cumulative distribution of masses between the two clusters, resulting from an overabundance of very low mass objects in NGC1333. Gaia astrometry will constrain the cluster distances better and will lead to a more definitive conclusion. Furthermore, ratio R is somewhat larger in IC348 compared with NGC1333, although this difference is still within the margins of error. Our results indicate that environments with higher object density may produce a larger fraction of very low mass objects, in line with predictions for brown dwarf formation through gravitational fragmentation of filaments falling into a cluster potential.
We present results from the Large Adaptive optics Survey for Substellar Objects (LASSO), where the goal is to directly image new substellar companions (<70 M$_{Jup}$) at wide orbital separations ($gtrsim$50 AU) around young ($lesssim$300 Myrs), nearby (<100 pc), low-mass ($approx$0.1-0.8 M$_{odot}$) stars. We report on 427 young stars imaged in the visible (i) and near-infrared (J or H) simultaneously with Robo-AO on the Kitt Peak 2.1-m telescope and later the Maunakea University of Hawaii 2.2-m telescope. To undertake the observations, we commissioned a new infrared camera for Robo-AO that uses a low-noise high-speed SAPHIRA avalanche photodiode detector. We detected 121 companion candidates around 111 stars, of which 62 companions are physically associated based on Gaia DR2 parallaxes and proper motions, another 45 require follow-up observations to confirm physical association, and 14 are background objects. The companion separations range from 2-1101 AU and reach contrast ratios of 7.7 magnitudes in the near infrared compared to the primary. The majority of confirmed and pending candidates are stellar companions, with ~5 being potentially substellar and requiring follow-up observations for confirmation. We also detected a 43$pm$9 M$_{Jup}$ and an 81$pm$5 M$_{Jup}$ companion that were previously reported. We found 34 of our targets have acceleration measurements detected using Hipparcos-Gaia proper motions. Of those, 58$^{+12}_{-14}$% of the 12 stars with imaged companion candidates have significant accelerations ($chi^2 >11.8$), while only 23$^{+11}_{-6}$% of the remaining 22 stars with no detected companion have significant accelerations. The significance of the acceleration decreases with increasing companion separation. These young accelerating low-mass stars with companions will eventually yield dynamical masses with future orbit monitoring.
The rotational spectral modulation (spectro-photometric variability) of brown dwarfs is usually interpreted as a sign of the presence of inhomogeneous cloud covers in the atmosphere. This paper aims at exploring the role of temperature fluctuations in these spectral modulations. These fluctuations could naturally arise in a convective atmosphere impacted by diabatic processes such as complex chemistry, i.e. the recently proposed mechanism to explain the L/T transition: CO/CH4 radiative convection. We use the 1D radiative/convective code ATMO with ad-hoc modifications of the temperature gradient to model the rotational spectral modulation of 2MASS 1821, 2MASS 0136, and PSO 318.5-22. Modeling the spectral bright-to-faint ratio of the modulation of 2MASS 1821, 2MASS 0136, and PSO 318.5-22 shows that most spectral characteristics can be reproduced by temperature variations alone. Furthermore, the approximately anti-correlated variability between different wavelengths can be easily interpreted as a change in the temperature gradient in the atmosphere which is the consequence we expect from CO/CH4 radiative convection to explain the L/T transition. The deviation from an exact anti-correlation could then be interpreted as a phase shift similar to the hot-spot shift a different bandpasses in the atmosphere of hot Jupiters. Our results suggest that the rotational spectral modulation from cloud-opacity and temperature variations are degenerate. The detection of direct cloud spectral signatures, e.g. the silicate absorption feature at 10 um, would help to confirm the presence of clouds and their contribution to spectral modulations. Future studies looking at the differences in the spectral modulation of objects with and without the silicate absorption feature may give us some insight on how to distinguish cloud-opacity fluctuations from temperature fluctuations.
We present a parallax solution for WISE J135501.90-825838.9, a spectral binary with spectral types L7+T7.5 and candidate AB Doradus member. Using $WISE$ astrometry, we obtain a distance of $d = 16.7pm5.3$ pc. This preliminary parallax solution provides further evidence that WISE J135501.90-825838.9 is a member of AB Doradus (130-200 Myr), and when combined with evolutionary models predicts masses of 11 $M_mathrm{Jup}$ and 9 $M_mathrm{Jup}$ for both components.
We present CFHT photometry and IRTF spectroscopy of low-mass candidate members of Serpens South and Serpens Core ($sim$430 pc, $sim$0.5 Myr), identified using a novel combination of photometric filters, known as the W-band method. We report SC182952+011618, SS182959-020335 and SS183032-021028 as young, low-mass Serpens candidate members, with spectral types in the range M7-M8, M5-L0 and M5-M6.5 respectively. Best-fit effective temperatures and luminosities imply masses of $<$ 0.12M$_{odot}$ for all three candidate cluster members. We also present Hubble Space Telescope imaging data (F127M, F139M and F850LP) for six targets in Serpens South. We report the discovery of the binary system SS183044-020918AB. The binary components are separated by $approx$45 AU, with spectral types of M7-M8 and M8-M9, and masses of 0.08-0.1 and 0.05-0.07M$_{odot}$. We discuss the effects of high dust attenuation on the reliability of our analysis, as well as the presence of reddened background stars in our photometric sample.
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