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A Bayesian Hierarchical Approach to Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing

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 Publication date 2017
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present a Bayesian hierarchical inference formalism to study the relation between the properties of dark matter halos and those of their central galaxies using weak gravitational lensing. Unlike traditional methods, this technique does not resort to stacking the weak lensing signal in bins, and thus allows for a more efficient use of the information content in the data. Our method is particularly useful for constraining scaling relations between two or more galaxy properties and dark matter halo mass, and can also be used to constrain the intrinsic scatter in these scaling relations. We show that, if observational scatter is not properly accounted for, the traditional stacking method can produce biased results when exploring correlations between multiple galaxy properties and halo mass. For example, this bias can affect studies of the joint correlation between galaxy mass, halo mass, and galaxy size, or galaxy color. In contrast, our method easily and efficiently handles the intrinsic and observational scatter in multiple galaxy properties and halo mass. We test our method on mocks with varying degrees of complexity. We find that we can recover the mean halo mass and concentration, each with a $0.1$ dex accuracy, and the intrinsic scatter in halo mass with a $0.05$ dex accuracy. In its current version, our method will be most useful for studying the weak lensing signal around central galaxies in groups and clusters, as well as massive galaxies samples with $log{M_*} > 11$, which have low satellite fractions.

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217 - S. Mao , J. Wang , M. C. Smith 2012
We study moderate gravitational lensing where a background galaxy is magnified substantially, but not multiply imaged, by an intervening galaxy. We focus on the case where both the lens and source are elliptical galaxies. The signatures of moderate lensing include isophotal distortions and systematic shifts in the fundamental plane and Kormendy relation, which can potentially be used to statistically determine the galaxy mass profiles. These effects are illustrated using Monte Carlo simulations of galaxy pairs where the foreground galaxy is modelled as a singular isothermal sphere model and observational parameters appropriate for the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST). The range in radius probed by moderate lensing will be larger than that by strong lensing, and is in the interesting regime where the density slope may be changing.
Accurately characterizing the redshift distributions of galaxies is essential for analysing deep photometric surveys and testing cosmological models. We present a technique to simultaneously infer redshift distributions and individual redshifts from photometric galaxy catalogues. Our model constructs a piecewise constant representation (effectively a histogram) of the distribution of galaxy types and redshifts, the parameters of which are efficiently inferred from noisy photometric flux measurements. This approach can be seen as a generalization of template-fitting photometric redshift methods and relies on a library of spectral templates to relate the photometric fluxes of individual galaxies to their redshifts. We illustrate this technique on simulated galaxy survey data, and demonstrate that it delivers correct posterior distributions on the underlying type and redshift distributions, as well as on the individual types and redshifts of galaxies. We show that even with uninformative priors, large photometric errors and parameter degeneracies, the redshift and type distributions can be recovered robustly thanks to the hierarchical nature of the model, which is not possible with common photometric redshift estimation techniques. As a result, redshift uncertainties can be fully propagated in cosmological analyses for the first time, fulfilling an essential requirement for the current and future generations of surveys.
We study the impact of lensing corrections on modeling cross correlations between CMB lensing and galaxies, cosmic shear and galaxies, and galaxies in different redshift bins. Estimating the importance of these corrections becomes necessary in the light of anticipated high-accuracy measurements of these observables. While higher order lensing corrections (sometimes also referred to as post Born corrections) have been shown to be negligibly small for lensing auto correlations, they have not been studied for cross correlations. We evaluate the contributing four-point functions without making use of the Limber approximation and compute line-of-sight integrals with the numerically stable and fast FFTlog formalism. We find that the relative size of lensing corrections depends on the respective redshift distributions of the lensing sources and galaxies, but that they are generally small for high signal-to-noise correlations. We point out that a full assessment and judgement of the importance of these corrections requires the inclusion of lensing Jacobian terms on the galaxy side. We identify these additional correction terms, but do not evaluate them due to their large number. We argue that they could be potentially important and suggest that their size should be measured in the future with ray-traced simulations. We make our code publicly available.
A likelihood-based method for measuring weak gravitational lensing shear in deep galaxy surveys is described and applied to the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) Lensing Survey (CFHTLenS). CFHTLenS comprises 154 sq deg of multicolour optical data from the CFHT Legacy Survey, with lensing measurements being made in the i band to a depth i(AB)<24.7, for galaxies with signal-to-noise ratio greater than about 10. The method is based on the lensfit algorithm described in earlier papers, but here we describe a full analysis pipeline that takes into account the properties of real surveys. The method creates pixel-based models of the varying point spread function (PSF) in individual image exposures. It fits PSF-convolved two-component (disk plus bulge) models, to measure the ellipticity of each galaxy, with bayesian marginalisation over model nuisance parameters of galaxy position, size, brightness and bulge fraction. The method allows optimal joint measurement of multiple, dithered image exposures, taking into account imaging distortion and the alignment of the multiple measurements. We discuss the effects of noise bias on the likelihood distribution of galaxy ellipticity. Two sets of image simulations that mirror the observed properties of CFHTLenS have been created, to establish the methods accuracy and to derive an empirical correction for the effects of noise bias.
In the past few years, approximate Bayesian Neural Networks (BNNs) have demonstrated the ability to produce statistically consistent posteriors on a wide range of inference problems at unprecedented speed and scale. However, any disconnect between training sets and the distribution of real-world objects can introduce bias when BNNs are applied to data. This is a common challenge in astrophysics and cosmology, where the unknown distribution of objects in our Universe is often the science goal. In this work, we incorporate BNNs with flexible posterior parameterizations into a hierarchical inference framework that allows for the reconstruction of population hyperparameters and removes the bias introduced by the training distribution. We focus on the challenge of producing posterior PDFs for strong gravitational lens mass model parameters given Hubble Space Telescope (HST) quality single-filter, lens-subtracted, synthetic imaging data. We show that the posterior PDFs are sufficiently accurate (i.e., statistically consistent with the truth) across a wide variety of power-law elliptical lens mass distributions. We then apply our approach to test data sets whose lens parameters are drawn from distributions that are drastically different from the training set. We show that our hierarchical inference framework mitigates the bias introduced by an unrepresentative training sets interim prior. Simultaneously, given a sufficiently broad training set, we can precisely reconstruct the population hyperparameters governing our test distributions. Our full pipeline, from training to hierarchical inference on thousands of lenses, can be run in a day. The framework presented here will allow us to efficiently exploit the full constraining power of future ground- and space-based surveys.
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