The extraction bucket position in the Fermilab Booster is controlled with a cogging process that involves the comparison of the Booster RF count and the Recycler Ring revolution marker. A one RF bucket jitter in the extraction bucket position results from the variability of the process that phase matches the Booster to the Recycler. However, the new slow phase lock process used to lock the frequency and phase of the Booster RF to the Recycler RF has been made digital and programmable and has been modified to correct the extraction notch position. The beam loss at the Recycler injection has been reduced by 20%. Beam studies and the phase lock system will be discussed in this paper.
A new beam injection scheme is proposed for the Fermilab Booster to increase beam brightness. The beam is injected on the deceleration part of the sinusoidal magnetic ramp and capture is started immediately after the injection. During the entire capture process we impose Pdot=0 in a changing B field. Beam dynamics simulations clearly show that this method is very efficient with no longitudinal beam emittance dilution and no beam loss. As a consequence of preserved emittance, the required RF power on a typical Booster cycle can be reduced by ~30% as compared with the scheme in current operation. Further, we also propose snap bunch rotation at extraction to reduce dP/P of the beam to improve the slip-stacking efficiency in MI/RR.
The Fermilab booster has an intensity upgrade plan called the Proton Improvement plan (PIP). The flux throughput goal is 2E17 protons/hour which is almost double the current operation at 1.1E17 protons/hour. The beam loss in the machine is going to be an issue. The booster accelerates beam from 400 MeV to 8GeV and extracts to The Main Injector (MI). Cogging is the process that synchronizes the extraction kicker gap to the MI by changing radial position of the beam during the cycle. The gap creation occurs at about 700MeV which is 6msec into the cycle. The variation of the revolution frequency from cycle to cycle is larger at lower energy and it is hard to control by changing the radial position because of aperture limitations. Momentum cogging is able to move the gap creation earlier by using dipole correctors and radial position feedback, and controlling the revolution frequency and radial position at the same time. The new cogging is going to save energy loss and aperture. The progress of the momentum cogging system development is going to be discussed in this paper.
We have measured the total energy spread (99 persent energy spread) of the Booster beam at its injection energy of 400 MeV by three different methods - 1) creating a notch of about 40 nsec wide in the beam immediately after multiple turn injection and measuring the slippage time required for high and low momentum particles for a grazing touch in line-charge distribution, 2) injecting partial turn beam and letting it to debunch, and 3) comparing the beam profile monitor data with predictions from MAD simulations for the 400 MeV injection beam line. The measurements are repeated under varieties of conditions of RF systems in the ring and in the beam transfer line.
The development of magnetic cogging is part of the Fermilab Booster upgrade within the Proton Improvement Plan (PIP). The Booster is going to send 2.25E17 protons/hour which is almost double the present flux, 1.4E17 protons/hour to the Main Injector (MI) and Recycler (RR). The extraction kicker gap has to synchronize to the MI and RR injection bucket in order to avoid a beam loss at the rising edge of the extraction and injection kickers. Magnetic cogging is able to control the revolution frequency and the position of the gap using the magnetic field from dipole correctors while radial position feedback keeps the beam at the central orbit. The new cogging is expected to reduce beam loss due to the orbit changes and reduce beam energy loss when the gap is created. The progress of the magnetic cogging system development is going to be discussed in this paper.
To date, the 120 GeV Fermilab Main Injector accelerator has accelerated a single batch of protons from the 8 GeV rapid-cycling Booster synchrotron for production of antiprotons for Run II. In the future, the Main Injector must accelerate 6 or more Booster batches simultaneously; the first will be extracted to the antiproton source, while the remaining are extracted for the NuMI/MINOS (Neutrinos at the Main Injector / Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search) neutrino experiment. Performing this multi-batch operation while avoiding unacceptable radioactivation of the beamlines requires a previously unnecessary synchronization between the accelerators. We describe a mechanism and present results of advancing or retarding the longitudinal progress of the Booster beam by active feedback radial manipulation of the beam during the acceleration period.