Adiabatic regularization of power spectrum in nonminimally coupled general single-field inflation

Abstract in English

We perform adiabatic regularization of power spectrum in nonminimally coupled general single-field inflation with varying speed of sound. The subtraction is performed within the framework of earlier study by Urakawa and Starobinsky dealing with the canonical inflation. Inspired by Fakir and Unruhs model on nonminimally coupled chaotic inflation, we find upon imposing near scale-invariant condition, that the subtraction term exponentially decays with the number of $ e $-folds. As in the result for the canonical inflation, the regularized power spectrum tends to the bare power spectrum as the Universe expands during (and even after) inflation. This work justifies the use of the bare power spectrum in standard calculation in the most general context of slow-roll single-field inflation involving non-minimal coupling and varying speed of sound.
