Heavy Quarkonium ($1^{--}$) Meson-Hybrid Mixing from QCD Sum Rules

Abstract in English

We use QCD Laplace sum-rules to explore mixing between conventional mesons and hybrids in the heavy quarkonium vector $J^{PC}!=!1^{--}$ channel. Our cross-correlator includes perturbation theory and contributions proportional to the four-dimensional and six-dimensional gluon condensates. We input experimentally determined charmonium and bottomonium hadron masses into both single and multi-resonance models in order to test them for conventional meson and hybrid components. In the charmonium sector we find evidence for meson-hybrid mixing in the $J/psi$ and a $approx4.3$ GeV resonance. In the bottomonium sector, we find that the $Upsilon(1S)$, $Upsilon(2S)$, $Upsilon(3S)$, and $Upsilon(4S)$ all exhibit mixing.
