Observation of $^{6}$He+$t$ cluster states in $^{9}$Li

Abstract in English

$^{6}$He+$t$ cluster states of exited $^{9}$Li have been measured by 32.7 MeV/nucleon $^{9}$Li beams bombarding on $^{208}$Pb target. Two resonant states are clearly observed with the excitation energies at 9.8 MeV and 12.6 MeV and spin-parity of 3/2$^{-}$ and 7/2$^{-}$ respectively. These two states are considered to be members of K$^{pi}$=1/2$^{-}$ band. The spin-parity of them are identified by the method of angular correlation analysis and verified by the continuum discretized coupled channels (CDCC) calculation, which agrees with the prediction of the generator coordinate method (GCM). A monopole matrix element about 4 fm$^{2}$ for the 3/2$^{-}$ state is extracted from the distorted wave Born approximation (DWBA) calculation. These results strongly support the feature of clustering structure of two neutron-rich clusters in the neutron-rich nucleus $^{9}$Li for the first time.
