Gunn Effect in Silicon Nanowires: Charge Transport under High Electric Field

Abstract in English

Gunn (or Gunn-Hilsum) Effect and its associated negative differential resistivity (NDR) emanates from transfer of electrons between two different energy bands in a semiconductor. If applying a voltage (electric field) transfers electrons from an energy sub band of a low effective mass to a second one with higher effective mass, then the current drops. This manifests itself as a negative slope or NDR in the I-V characteristics of the device which is in essence due to the reduction of electron mobility. Recalling that mobility is inversely proportional to electron effective mass or curvature of the energy sub band. This effect was observed in semiconductors like GaAs which has direct bandgap of very low effective mass and its second indirect sub band is about 300 meV above the former. More importantly a self-repeating oscillation of spatially accumulated charge carriers along the transport direction occurs which is the artifact of NDR, a process which is called Gunn oscillation and was observed by J. B. Gunn. In sharp contrast to GaAs, bulk silicon has a very high energy spacing (~1 eV) which renders the initiation of transfer-induced NDR unobservable. Using Density Functional Theory (DFT), semi-empirical 10 orbital ($sp^{3}d^{5}s^{*}$) Tight Binding (TB) method and Ensemble Monte Carlo (EMC) simulations we show for the first time that (a) Gunn Effect can be induced in narrow silicon nanowires with diameters of 3.1 nm under 3 % tensile strain and an electric field of 5000 V/cm, (b) the onset of NDR in I-V characteristics is reversibly adjustable by strain and (c) strain can modulate the value of resistivity by a factor 2.3 for SiNWs of normal I-V characteristics i.e. those without NDR. These observations are promising for applications of SiNWs in electromechanical sensors and adjustable microwave oscillators.
