Superconductor-insulator transition in fcc-GeSb2Te4 at elevated pressures

Abstract in English

We show that polycrystalline GeSb2Te4 in the fcc phase (f-GST), which is an insulator at low temperature at ambient pressure, becomes a superconductor at elevated pressures. Our study of the superconductor to insulator transition versus pressure at low temperatures reveals a second order quantum phase transition with linear scaling (critical exponent close to unity) of the transition temperature with the pressure above the critical zero-temperature pressure. In addition, we demonstrate that at higher pressures the f-GST goes through a structural phase transition via amorphization to bcc GST (b-GST), which also become superconducting. We also find that the pressure regime where an inhomogeneous mixture of amorphous and b-GST exists, there is an anomalous peak in magnetoresistance, and suggest an explanation for this anomaly.
