Investigation of the inner structures around HD169142 with VLT/SPHERE

Abstract in English

We present observations of the Herbig Ae star HD169142 with VLT/SPHERE instruments InfraRed Dual-band Imager and Spectrograph (IRDIS) ($K1K2$ and $H2H3$ bands) and the Integral Field Spectrograph (IFS) ($Y$, $J$ and $H$ bands). We detect several bright blobs at $sim$180 mas separation from the star, and a faint arc-like structure in the IFS data. Our reference differential imaging (RDI) data analysis also finds a bright ring at the same separation. We show, using a simulation based on polarized light data, that these blobs are actually part of the ring at 180 mas. These results demonstrate that the earlier detections of blobs in the $H$ and $K_S$ bands at these separations in Biller et al. as potential planet/substellar companions are actually tracing a bright ring with a Keplerian motion. Moreover, we detect in the images an additional bright structure at $sim$93 mas separation and position angle of 355$^{circ}$, at a location very close to previous detections. It appears point-like in the $YJ$ and $K$ bands but is more extended in the $H$ band. We also marginally detect an inner ring in the RDI data at $sim$100 mas. Follow-up observations are necessary to confirm the detection and the nature of this source and structure.
