Molecular-Cloud-Scale Chemical Composition II: Mapping Spectral Line Survey toward W3(OH) in the 3 mm Band

Abstract in English

In order to study a molecular-cloud-scale chemical composition, we have conducted a mapping spectral line survey toward the Galactic molecular cloud W3(OH), which is one of the most active star forming regions in the Perseus arm, with the NRO 45 m telescope. We have observed the area of 16 $times$ 16, which corresponds to 9.0 pc $times$ 9.0 pc. The observed frequency ranges are 87--91, 96--103, and 108--112 GHz. We have prepared the spectrum averaged over the observed area, in which 8 molecular species CCH, HCN, HCO$^+$, HNC, CS, SO, C$^{18}$O, and $^{13}$CO are identified. On the other hand, the spectrum of the W3(OH) hot core observed at a 0.17 pc resolution shows the lines of various molecules such as OCS, H$_2$CS CH$_3$CCH, and CH$_3$CN, in addition to the above species. In the spatially averaged spectrum, emission of the species concentrated just around the star-forming core such as CH$_3$OH and HC$_3$N is fainter than in the hot core spectrum, whereas emission of the species widely extended over the cloud such as CCH is relatively brighter. We have classified the observed area into 5 subregions according to the integrated intensity of $^{13}$CO, and have evaluated the contribution to the averaged spectrum from each subregion. The CCH, HCN, HCO$^+$, and CS lines can be seen even in the spectrum of the subregion with the lowest $^{13}$CO integrated intensity range ($< 10$ K km s$^{-1}$). Thus, the contributions of the spatially extended emission is confirmed to be dominant in the spatially averaged spectrum.
