Neutrinos in Large Extra Dimensions and Short-Baseline $ u_e$ Appearance

Abstract in English

We show that, in the presence of bulk masses, sterile neutrinos propagating in large extra dimensions (LED) can induce electron-neutrino appearance effects. This is in contrast to what happens in the standard LED scenario and hence LED models with explicit bulk masses have the potential to address the MiniBooNE and LSND appearance results, as well as the reactor and Gallium anomalies. A special feature in our scenario is that the mixing of the first KK modes to active neutrinos can be suppressed, making the contribution of heavier sterile neutrinos to oscillations relatively more important. We study the implications of this neutrino mass generation mechanism for current and future neutrino oscillation experiments, and show that the Short-Baseline Neutrino Program at Fermilab will be able to efficiently probe such a scenario. In addition, this framework leads to massive Dirac neutrinos and thus precludes any signal in neutrinoless double beta decay experiments.
