$CP$ violation in heavy-flavour hadrons

Abstract in English

Measurements of $CP$-violating observables in $B$ meson decays can be used to determine the angles of the Unitarity Triangle and hence probe for manifestations of New Physics beyond the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Standard Model paradigm. Of particular interest are precise measurements of the angles $gamma$ and $beta$. Also of great importance are studies of $CP$-violation involving $B_s^0$ mesons, in particular the phase $phi_s$, which is a golden observable in flavour physics at the LHC. Complementary to these studies is the continuing search for direct and indirect $CP$-violation in the charm system, where the experimental precision is now at the $10^{-3}$ level. I will present new and recent results in these topics, and in $CP$-violation searches in baryon decays, with specific emphasis on the measurement programme at the LHC.
