Spectroscopic Observations of Magnetic Reconnection and Chromospheric Evaporation in an X-shaped Solar Flare

Abstract in English

We present observations of distinct UV spectral properties at different locations during an atypical X-shaped flare (SOL2014-11-09T15:32) observed by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS). In this flare, four chromospheric ribbons appear and converge at an X-point where a separator is anchored. Above the X-point, two sets of non-coplanar coronal loops approach laterally and reconnect at the separator. The IRIS slit was located close to the X-point, cutting across some of the flare ribbons and loops. Near the location of the separator, the Si IV 1402.77 A line exhibits significantly broadened line wings extending to 200 km/s but an unshifted line core. These spectral features suggest the presence of bidirectional flows possibly related to the separator reconnection. While at the flare ribbons, the hot Fe XXI 1354.08 A line shows blueshifts and the cool Si IV 1402.77 A, C II 1335.71 A, and Mg II 2803.52 A lines show evident redshifts up to a velocity of 80 km/s, which are consistent with the scenario of chromospheric evaporation/condensation.
