The Formation of Stellar Clusters in Magnetized, Filamentary Infrared Dark Clouds

Abstract in English

Star formation in a filamentary infrared dark cloud (IRDC) is simulated over a dynamic range of 4.2 pc to 28 au for a period of $3.5times 10^5$ yr, including magnetic fields and both radiative and outflow feedback from the protostars. At the end of the simulation, the star formation efficiency is 4.3 per cent and the star formation rate per free fall time is $epsilon_{rm ff}simeq 0.04$, within the range of observed values (Krumholz et al. 2012a). The total stellar mass increases as $sim,t^2$, whereas the number of protostars increases as $sim,t^{1.5}$. We find that the density profile around most of the simulated protostars is $sim,rhopropto r^{-1.5}$, as predicted by Murray & Chang (2015). At the end of the simulation, the protostellar mass function approaches the Chabrier (2005) stellar initial mass function. We infer that the time to form a star of median mass $0.2,M_odot$ is about $1.4times 10^5$~yr from the median mass accretion rate. We find good agreement among the protostellar luminosities observed in the large sample of Dunham et al. (2013), our simulation, and a theoretical estimate, and conclude that the classical protostellar luminosity problem Kenyon et al. (1990) is resolved. The multiplicity of the stellar systems in the simulation agrees to within a factor 2 of observations of Class I young stellar objects; most of the simulated multiple systems are unbound. Bipolar protostellar outflows are launched using a sub-grid model, and extend up to 1 pc from their host star. The mass-velocity relation of the simulated outflows is consistent with both observation and theory.
