Do Low Surface Brightness galaxies host stellar bars?

Abstract in English

With the aim of assessing if low surface brightness galaxies host stellar bars, and study the dependence of the occurrence of bars as a function of surface brightness, we use the Galaxy Zoo 2 dataset to construct a large volume-limited sample of galaxies, and segregate the galaxies as low and high surface brightness in terms of their central surface brightness. We find that the fraction of low surface brightness galaxies hosting strong bars is systematically lower than the one found for high surface brightness galaxies. The dependence of the bar fraction on the central surface brightness is mostly driven by a correlation of the surface brightness with the spin and the gas-richness of the galaxies, showing only a minor dependence on the surface brightness. We also find that the length of the bars shows a strong dependence on the surface brightness, and although some of this dependence is attributed to the gas content, even at fixed gas-to-stellar mass ratio, high surface brightness galaxies host longer bars than their low surface brightness counterparts, which we attribute to an anticorrelation of the surface brightness with the spin.
