Demonstration of cascaded modulator-chicane micro-bunching of a relativistic electron beam

Abstract in English

We present results of an experiment showing the first successful demonstration of a cascaded micro-bunching scheme. Two modulator-chicane pre-bunchers arranged in series and a high power mid-IR laser seed are used to modulate a 52 MeV electron beam into a train of sharp microbunches phase-locked to the external drive laser. This configuration allows to increase the fraction of electrons trapped in a strongly tapered inverse free electron laser (IFEL) undulator to 96%, with up to 78% of the particles accelerated to the final design energy yielding a significant improvement compared to the classical single buncher scheme. These results represent a critical advance in laser-based longitudinal phase space manipulations and find application both in high gradient advanced acceleration as well as in high peak and average power coherent radiation sources.
