Mass distribution and skewness for passive scalar transport in pipes with polygonal and smooth cross-sections

Abstract in English

We extend our previous results characterizing the loading properties of a diffusing passive scalar advected by a laminar shear flow in ducts and channels to more general cross-sectional shapes, including regular polygons and smoothed corner ducts originating from deformations of ellipses. For the case of the triangle, short time skewness is calculated exactly to be positive, while long-time asymptotics shows it to be negative. Monte-Carlo simulations confirm these predictions, and document the time scale for sign change. Interestingly, the equilateral triangle is the only regular polygon with this property, all other polygons possess positive skewness at all times, although this cannot cannot be proved on finite times due to the lack of closed form flow solutions for such geometries. Alternatively, closed form flow solutions can be constructed for smooth deformations of ellipses, and illustrate how the possibility of multiple sign switching in time is unrelated to domain corners. Exact conditions relating the median and the skewness to the mean are developed which guarantee when the sign for the skewness implies front (back) loading properties of the evolving tracer distribution along the pipe. Short and long time asymptotics confirm this condition, and Monte-Carlo simulations verify this at all times.
